OTOCASH Core V1.1.3 has been released

OTOCASH Core V1.1.3 has been released

Hi everyone

We announce that we have release OTOCASH Core Version v1.1.3.

This release is a critical updates. This update includes QT Malay Language locale, increasing a reward to 0.25 OTO/Block and reducing fee to 0.000001 OTO.

If you have used the previous version of the wallet, you need to re-download/re-sync to use this wallet version. This process will only take one hour to 2 hours.

This release is not need to swap/rollback/new address or transfer to new chain also not a “vout” parameter changing. That meaning you can use old wallet.dat without any issue.

All OTOCASH official explorers will use v1.1.3

You can download the OTOCASH wallet here or directly from GitHub


If you have used the previous version of the wallet, you need to remove all the old block data file before need to re-download/sync to use this v1.1.3 wallet.This process will only take one hour to 2 hours.
