Tag: wallet

Does a web or mobile wallet exist?

Currently doesn’t have both types of wallets, however, you can use wallets in exchange or OTOCASH core wallets.

How to sending OTOCASH from certain address?

If you generated a few addresses in your wallet, but you would like to choose a certain one to send OTOCASH from: Settings >> options >> display >> “check” display coin control features(experts only) >> apply; Send >> inputs >> “check” the address you would like to send from.

How often do I need to backup my wallet?

If you send coins from the wallet to other addresses, then you should back it up, since sending can create a new change addresses. If you are not doing anything other than staking and receiving coins to the same address, then you probably don’t need to create additional backups.

How can I change wallet location?

Create a shortcut that runs blackcoin-qt.exe -datadir=NEW LOCATION

How to send OTOCASH?

To send coins is very straight forward. If you are sending these coins to a friend, exchange or business, then all you will need is their Receive address (known as a deposit address on exchanges). If your wallet is encrypted, which hopefully it is, you will also need to have your passphrase (encryption phrase) ready…
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Where can I download the wallet?

You can choose and download the wallet fro this URLs and . Make sure you have the latest wallet version.

Why is wallet not syncing?

1. Make sure you have the latest wallet version. 2. Make sure your Firewall or Anti Virus software do not block wallet connections. 3. Make sure your system’s clock is accurate. 4. Coins take around 30 minutes (~11 Blocks) to mature. 5. Wallet will create his own peer circle. It takes time. However you can…
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